Category: Featured

On August 3rd, 2012

Why Brand Journalism is the New Key to Franchise Lead Generation

Quick, close your eyes and try to recall a business mailing, magazine advertisement or online banner ad that you’ve seen in the last week. It should be easy — the average person is exposed to several thousand display ads a day. But are you able to recall a single one? It’s hard, isn’t it.

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On August 1st, 2012

5 Reasons We Like the Chem-Dry Carpet Cleaning Franchise

Chem-Dry isn’t just the world’s biggest carpet cleaning franchise, with more than 3,500 units in 47 countries. In our opinion, it’s the best carpet cleaning franchise and one of the best options for someone thinking about opening a new business.

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On July 31st, 2012

Planet Beach Spa Franchise Case Study

Entrepreneur Magazine is considered the bible for most business owners and it carries and amazing amount of influence for franchise systems. In the world of franchising, public perception of a brand does more to determine what brands grow and which ones struggle. The January 2010 trends article proclaimed that tanning franchises were out and listed Planet Beach as a tanning franchise.

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On July 30th, 2012

Entrepreneur Magazine Features Brand Journalists

When former journalist Thomas Scott started blogging about his home-staging franchise in 2007, he discovered that his industry-related content radically improved how business prospects perceived his company's brand. Scott realized there was an untapped market for providing other businesses with content that's well-written and entertaining, while helping consumers relate to them on a personal level.

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On July 30th, 2012

How Brand Journalism Created a Breakthrough for Chem-Dry Carpet Cleaning

Bill Knight, formerly of Lenny’s Subs, TCBY and Ruby Tuesday’s, joined Chem-Dry Carpet Cleaning as vice president of franchise development in 2009, in the depths of the recession. He immediately took the established steps franchise pros use to boost lead generation. Leads increased but it wasn't enough.

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On July 27th, 2012

What is Google Penguin and How Does it Affect Your Franchise Opportunity Website?

Everyone hates spam. Spam doesn’t just clog your inbox; it clutters up your Google search results. Google has declared war on what it calls “webspam” — websites that rank highly for specific terms but don’t have the content people are really looking for.

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On July 15th, 2012

University of Alabama’s Platform Magazine Features Brand Journalists

Thanks to search engines and social media there has been a shift in the way people find and receive information. People actively seek what they want. Since media is saturated with advertising and marketing copy, many people no longer respond to messages that scream “I’m selling you something.” Instead, consumers want authenticity and transparency. People want to feel like they identify with a brand.

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On June 8th, 2012

Changing Franchise Sales Lead Generation Tactics for 2012

Why yesterday’s successful lead generation strategy is tomorrow’s failure At its annual Sales and Leadership Conference, Franchise Update reported a milestone development that could forever change the way franchisors generate leads. For the first time in the history of the Franchise Update’s report, the top lead sources for new franchisees were referrals with the “internet” right behind it. Organic search — people using the web to search for information themselves — topped the list of internet referral sources.

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