Telling the Story of Your Brand: Podcasts for Franchising

Q+A with President of Brand J, Jack Monson

The power of storytelling is a worldwide phenomenon, but storytelling takes many forms. Possibly the easiest and most personal, not to mention longest running, format of storytelling comes in the form of voice. Passing on stories through bedtime tales, fireside chats, or cautionary lessons is as human as breathing. It’s no surprise that Podcasts, the modern form of vocal storytelling, is a format that attracts millions of listeners every day. With an audience of that size, the opportunity arises for brands, such as franchise brands, to tell their story in the efforts of attracting the next best investor.

In this interview with President of Brand J, Jack Monson, who has been in radio since the 90s and podcasting since podcasting became a platform with an audience, he breaks down why podcasts are so special, especially in the world of franchise development.

podcasts for franchising

How did you get into creating podcasts?

Monson: l hosted several radio shows in the 90s and 2000s. Podcasting is just the next step in evolution. It made sense to adapt to where the future of audio storytelling was going.

What interests people in podcasts?

Monson: Podcasts – specifically audio podcasts – have a unique position in reaching directly into the audience’s mind. There’s a special way that audio touches a listener’s imagination that no other content can do!

What role do you see podcasts playing in franchise development marketing?

Monson: Podcasts can effectively serve as a replacement for some validation calls. It’s a great way for candidates to hear from current franchisees and team members and have their questions answered anytime, any place. It is a lot easier to develop trust with a brand based on their actual voice and their words, over reading a transcript of what they said.

How can podcasts effectively reach and engage with potential franchisees?

Monson: One thing that many marketers miss is the user-friendly nature of audio podcasts. Great candidates are typically busy entrepreneurs who don’t have hours upon hours to binge-watch videos. But they will consume short audio podcasts while they are commuting, traveling, working out, or are on the job. Podcasts are unique in that they draw a more targeted audience, an audience that puts in the effort to tune in, which in turn, can convert that audience into a highly qualified lead.

Why should more franchise brands utilize podcasts as a marketing strategy?

Monson: The evergreen nature of podcasting works well with franchise development marketing. Don’t worry about being topical or trendy; focus on telling good stories of franchisees that will still be relevant if someone listens to this podcast two years from now!

What advice do you have for brands looking to incorporate podcasts into their franchise development marketing strategy?

Monson: Best advice: just start. Don’t wait for your brand’s podcast to be perfect (note, it never will be perfect). Get started now, and your second episode will be a bit better. And your third will be even better, etc.

Second, if you don’t know where to start, work with a professional. Make sure they have the right audio setup and are not using substandard equipment. Make sure who you work with has a trusted experience or portfolio of producing work similar to what you are looking for to represent your brand. For the best results, work with a professional or agency, like Brand J, with a background in producing Podcasts for the purpose of franchise development.

What trends or innovations do you anticipate in podcast marketing for franchise development?

Monson: Where is everything going? No one knows exactly, but as long as we’re working on all platforms and on all formats, we will know what is working best!

Make a Podcast with Brand J

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